Film Guessr

Film Guessr contains varying games related to movies entirely in your browser. Currently the only game available is the Kevin Bacon Game, but we plan to add more when time permits. If you see any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us via our email [email protected] or on our Discord. This website is a product of The Worker Thread

The Kevin Bacon Game

The Kevin Bacon Game takes its name from the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, which states that it is possible to link every actor/movie to Kevin Bacon (or any other) within 6 degrees of separation or less. Many variations have developed with a similar premise, such as the WikiPedia game, where you have to connect two articles on WikiPedia, via the hyperlinks that may connect them. I was interested in making a nice little browser game for this, hence how this project was born. It is not perfect - due to resource limitations I have limited myself to only 11000 movies, tv shows, and people. If you want to see this project grow, consider supporting me, either by sharing this around the web or playing the game. For now my best bet of making this website is self-sustainable is some ads, but maybe one day I will open a Patreon

Currently the game supports:

  • 4 difficulties - easy, medium, hard, and impossible. These give you two random movies/tv shows/people you need to connect. I suggest you start with easy or medium. If you are more experienced, then hard is for you. But impossible? Good luck
  • Custom games - you can set up custom challenges from any two movies/tv shows/people that I have in the database (only around 11000 most popular). You can then play them or share them with friends.
  • Sharing of games - you can at any point share a given challenge and let a friend try it

How to play?

To play select a difficulty and two titles or names will appear. You can hover over them to see the posters if you want some additional information. At most 8 people/movies/tv shows will appear below on black-film backgrounds. Clicking on them will show you the connections that choice has. You are usually guaranteed due to sheer graph properties that most will lead you to your destination, though with varying path lengths. If you want to return to a previous choice, the back button (either of the browser or the first of the buttons above the choices) will take you one step back. You can also restart (go back to the first step). At any point you can request a hint, which will show you which choice(s) are on the fastest path to your destination.